The Dog, the Cow and the Nest

Now that Chet Baker comprehends English, I have great fun with our one-way conversations.
Chet Baker. Do you know what's going to happen today?
Later on, Shila's (ears prick, big smile) coming over and we're going to take a WALK!
Frisk, frisk, boing, boing, whee!

Chet's getting much better in responding to voice commands, unless there is a cat, a squirrel, a coon or a cow around. So the lead comes out when there are cattle around. In the fall, our neighbor puts his breeding herd of beeves on the pasture near our mailbox, which we must cross in order to visit the beaver pond.
You had better have that little heathen on a leash, Missy.

We happen to think that your animal is ill-mannered, and we disapprove...
Yes, Mrs. Cow. We're leaving now. Please resume your cud-chewing.
The wind brought a field sparrow nest out into the path in our meadow. Only the field sparrow builds this angular structure of blonde stems, perfectly uniform and distinctive in its simplicity.

More faux eggs--a sturdy brown thrasher nest lodged in a multiflora rosebush had a mouse's stash within--hickory nuts that will never hatch.

The multiflora hips, highlighted against a barn. What is that color? Oxblood? It's so far beyond barn red, well into alizarin crimson, so beautiful. Nobody's painting barns that color any more.

Labels: brown thrasher nest, Chet Baker, field sparrow nest, Mrs. Cow, multiflora rose