Missing Tennessees
I'm happy to say that I still have warblers in the yard as I write this. They're all yellow-rumped warblers, the most behaviorally and dietetically flexible of all the wood warblers. Right now, five of them are flitting around a pile of suet dough on the deck railing. I've never had that happen before. A Cape May warbler sampled suet dough briefly in late October, but it was in the company of yellow-rumpeds. And we did have a pine warbler eating it early last spring, but this gobbly little bunch is unprecedented. They've actually figured out how to beg--to get my attention from way in the kitchen.
I thought I'd share some photos of a bathing Tennessee warbler, taken in September.
The post next to the Bird Spa is often the vantage point from which birds make up their minds about bathing.

I'll flutter and ruffle my wings. It will feel so good to be in water!


The durned thing about starting a bath is that everybody else wants to jump in too. Copycats.

A Tennessee warbler has a reputation to uphold. We're tuff.

Hello. I believe I was bathing here first.

And I happen to like where you are bathing.

I'm sorry. Am I in your way?

Don't mind me. I bathe a little large.

Well, excuuuuuuse MEEEE.

You lazy resident birds need to realize that we long-distance migrants get first dibs on the bath. You can bathe anytime. We have things to do, places to go, people to see. Begone!
Labels: bathing warbler, Bird Spa, Tennessee warbler, yellow-rumped warbler

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