Dog Training, Boston Style
I'm not sure what the point is, of training a Boston terrier to shake hands and roll over. Perhaps it's just to be sure you can teach him something, when he seems to be the one who's always teaching you. I do see the value of Stay and Sit and Come and Down, but beyond that, it's pretty much parlor tricks, like teaching your two-year-old to recite the ABC's for Grandma. Oh, yeah. There's Heel. We haven't quite got that one down, because we're never on a lead...
Chet Baker puts up with Phoebe's training with dignity. As long as there's a liver treat or a piece of sharp cheddar involved, he'll go along with the act. He ain't nobody's monkey, though, and he won't perform without the treat.

He hates Roll Over (gee, wonder why?), but he'll do it, as long as you trace an arc with the liver treat that tells him where to go.

Shake has turned into something that better resembles a High Five. He'll slap his paw over yours, verra cute.

Just give me the treat, and I will go back to chasing bunnehs, which is my Real Job.

He is really good at Stay, which is probably one of the best commands for an enthusiastic Boston terrier to master. It comes in handy around cars and cows. Notice that I did not include cats in that lineup. Nothing will make him Stay around a cat.

Oh, Miss Phoebe, please do not make me wait any longer for that delicious strong smelling pellet of textured protein.

Sweetness, thou art Baker.

Offisa Pupp, at your service.
This is a happy birthday to my dear friend Jane, who has brought black-and-white bundles of joy to so many people, and without whom there would be no Chet Baker. Imagine!
Labels: Boston terrier, Chet Baker, Dog training, stupid pet tricks

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