Blogger Won't Cooperate
I have some really neat things to tell you about box turtles, but Blogger won't take my pictures this morning. Darn! Gosh!
It's hard enough to work in the time to post every day, without having Blogger balk. Phooey! Pah!
There's so much living to be done. I'm gardening like mad, getting ready for two garden clubs to come here on the 20th of June. I can't stop creating container gardens. They're everywhere. Every time I go to town I bring back two more bags of potting mix--the big ones you can hardly lift. I usually buy a cubic yard of potting mix at a time but they're only available in springtime. Here, I would put lots of beautiful pictures of flowers...
Hey-la, my boyfriend's back! Bill and I have a LOT of catching up to do after his week in beautiful North Dakota and Minnesota. Last night, he struggled for several hours to write and post the story of his adventures, seeking two elusive life birds--see the Bill of the Birds link to the right of this post (Safari won't let me post links, and Firefox won't let me do ANYTHING today). It amazes me, what he'll do to find a bird he really wants. It shouldn't surprise me, though. I was the bird he really wanted 14 years ago, and he moved heaven and earth to find me. Sigh. Reverie. He's dead tired and all stove up, but it's so good to have him home. I feel like a ghost in this house when he's gone. Liam was campaigning hard to have Bill take him into work with him today--oh yeah, that would work! (Cute picture of Mr. Wrecking Crew here).
I'll try again later to tell you about nesting box turtles. Must back away from the computer now. When Blogger gets this way I need to put a brown paper bag over the monitor, scrawl "PUMP BROKE" on it, and get on with my life. I've learned my lesson about trying fifty times to post something. It's like beating your muse over the head with a hammer. Apologies. See you tomorrow?
HAH. Foiled ye, Blogger. I've gone in and posted me photos after the fact. Arrrrr! Pinked ye!
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